Registering for a New Discipline?
If you are registering for a new discipline please use the following table as a guide. If you still have questions or concerns please contact BSSD Registrar at bssdregistrar@gmail.com

Q & A
Question and Answer
At this time of year when Teacher Recommendations are received, there are many questions about registering for the next season. We have put together the most commonly asked questions along with their answers.
Exam Classes
What is the difference between a ballet exam class and a regular ballet class?
The exam class is exactly the same as the regular class. This class provides students with the opportunity to practice twice a week versus once a week. These classes can range from 30 to 45 to 60 minutes depending on the schedule and grade.
If you register for an exam class, it doesn’t mean that you will take the Royal Academy Dance exam. The teacher will decide if the dancer is ready to take the exam and once a decision is made after a couple of months in the program, invitations will be emailed out. If your dancer is not selected to exam they will receive a letter by email as well.
If a dancer is not invited to do their exam in Grade 1 it doesn’t necessarily mean they will be held back or that they won’t move to Grade 2 or that if they move into Grade 2 that they are precluded from doing the Grade 2 exam at that time. This will be based on the teacher’s recommendation.
Note even if your dancer receives an invitation to exam, the choice is up to the family if they so choose to register the dancer. This is not mandatory and will not prevent them from moving onto the higher levels.
Once you do reach a certain level, Intermediate and above, you do have to examine in consecutive years if you want to continue with your exams.
Deciding on What Classes to Take
What class should my dancer take?
Each year the teacher will recommend class placement for the following year and when you are registering, BSSD will follow the recommended class placement.
If your child is in Tap Level 2 and he/she is 8 years old and they decide that they want to take Jazz instead or in addition to, the Executive will recommend a placement at an appropriate level based on a discussion with you and input from the teacher. They have not had to take Jazz before to register in this class. Please see our pre-requisites.
If they are older, and have never taken dance, they would be recommended to the Foundation Class where they will be assessed.
Pre-Requisite Tables
Where do I find these tables and what is the difference between the Level A & B for Ballet?
Pre-Requisite sheets can be found at www.beaumontdance.ab.ca website. They are available for each discipline: Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical/Contemporary and Hip Hop.
Ballet Level A Classes show the path for a dancer who has been recommended by the teachers that are taking 2 ballet classes (one being the Exam class). Recommendation to these classes is based on skill level and the ability to achieve the curriculum. For example in Ballet, these classes are geared toward the students that will be taking their RAD exams on an ongoing basis and taking upwards of 3 or more classes of ballet a week.
Ballet Level B Classes show the path for a dancer who has been recommended by the teachers to one ballet class a week or a ballet class plus a Ballet Technique Class. These dancers often are taking less than 3 classes a week.
Teachers will make recommendations to either level based on the individual dancer’s skills, ability to learn quickly, and where they feel the dancer will benefit and enjoy dancing the most.
Class Descriptions
What are the different classes and levels in each discipline?
The different levels in each discipline can be found on the pre-requisites page.
Brief class descriptions explaining what each class is and what is learned in each class have been posted to the website for information in helping you register or understand teacher recommendations.
Free Movement / Pre-Pointe and Free Movement / Pointe 2
Why has my daughter been recommended for this class for a third year in a row?
It is not uncommon for students who are recommended for these classes to attend the same class for up to 4 years or more. The teacher customizes the class based on those within the class to work on skill development in terms of free movement, preparation for pointe work and actual pointe work. Once a student has developed the skills, technique, and strength, which can take many years, the teacher will recommend the dancer to the next level when the dancer is ready. These classes are critical for learning the proper technique so that dancers minimize the chance of injury. Some students may not yet be on pointe, some will be starting and others may have been doing it for 2 years at this point. The class is taught in a manner that meets the different skills levels similar to a split class that someone may have in school. Note Pointe work for most will not start until the Pointe 2 Level class. This is based on the teacher's assessment and students will be notified by email when they are to purchase pointe shoes.
Free Movement / Pointe 3
I see another class has been added and called Pointe 3? Why is that?
Based on the different skills levels and increased number of students entering our higher levels of ballet training, our Head Ballet Instructor has made the decision that a third class be added to accommodate student numbers and different levels of skills.
Lyrical/Contemporary Classes
Who can take Lyrical/Contemporary Classes?
Lyrical/Contemporary classes been added to the schedule based on the teachers wanting more students to be able to have the ability to learn the lyrical/contemporary genre. When the decision was made in regards to the requirements, the teachers based it on the curriculum of the skills that are being taught in these classes and also the new lyrical/contemporary curriculum that is developing for the fall. The levels are as follows:
Lyrical/Contemporary - Level 3 = Level 3 Ballet & Jazz
Lyrical/Contemporary - Level 4 = Level 4 Ballet & Jazz
Lyrical/Contemporary - Level 5 = Level 5 Ballet & Jazz
Lyrical/Contemporary - Level 6 = Level 6 Ballet & Jazz
Lyrical/Contemporary - Level 7 = Level 7 Ballet & Jazz
Lyrical/Contemporary - Level 8 = Level 8 Ballet & Jazz
Lyrical/Contemporary - Advanced Requirement: RAD and Teacher Recommendation Only
How does a member get to be a part of the Competition Team?
Throughout the year, the teachers are evaluating dancers for the Competition groups. The year long classes are considered to be an audition. Invitation is by teacher discretion solely based on dedication, ability, skill level, attendance, technique, and teamwork. For the Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical/Contemporary groups, students must be taking a minimum of 2 ballet classes per week and one Jazz class. For the Tap student must take a minimum of 3 classes per week.
1 Ballet, 1 Tap and 1 other discipline which can be jazz, hip hop or a second ballet class. For Novelty, a student must take a minimum of 3 classes per week, 1 Ballet, 1 Jazz, and 1 other discipline which can be a second ballet class. For Hip Hop they must be taking their recommended Hip Hop class. Dancers in Ballet, Jazz, and Lyrical/Contemporary must take either PBT or a Conditioning class for the season as well.
Dancers, of course, will be limited to be invited within the dance disciplines that they train in. Performing class(es) is an extra class on top of the regular dance training and in no means replaces regular dance classes. It is an exceptional opportunity to learn stage presence and spirit of competitiveness but dancers must be committed and motivated.
There are additional fees outside of instruction/studio fees for entry fees, costumes, accessories and make-up, as well as a flat rate performing fee to offset the additional studio and teacher time for this class. These fees are payable in June during registration. This demonstrates a dancers commitment to accept the invitation and it is the responsibility of the dancer’s parents to ensure that the contract is understood. Students will be asked to sign a contract in June so that the teacher can choreograph their numbers during the summer. Once the contract is signed, competition fees and release from the group are handled on a case-by-case base (i.e. medical reasons and/or moving). Performing is a significant commitment and the decision to join this group should be carefully considered. The contracts are specific about attendance at class and other activities, competitions, and many other expectations that are outlined. It is the responsibility of the dancers (parents) to provide the required costumes for other competition numbers.
Solo/Duo/Trio Application for Consideration
Is it true if I am not in performing I can apply for consideration to do a solo/duo/trio at competition?
Yes. All members can complete a request for intent solo/duo/trio form for consideration without being invited to a Competition Group. The teachers consider all requests during the first week of July and make decisions based on how many they have decided to do for the upcoming season, if they feel a student is ready for this challenge, and studio availability. There is no guarantee that if you apply your application will be accepted. Each year many student applications are not accepted because the teachers only have so many spots and there are many more applications than available spots.
Additional Questions
When do classes start in September, what does the schedule look like for the fall, when is picture day, etc.... please visit calendar of events page. If you can’t find the answer to your question there, please email bssdpresident@beaumontdance.com
Questions? Issues? Concerns? Want to Send a Message to a Teacher?
Please email bssdpresident@beaumontdance.com